From lamps to mirrors to. The sticks should be a little under a half centimeter apart from each other as you insert them around the equator of your ball. Starting just above the flat edge of your foam ball, insert a row of sticks, pointy end first.
Diy mf glitter wall art wood sign
Diy inspiration wall art
Christmas crafts diy wall art
Starburst Wall Art Easter crafts diy, Starburst wall art, Crafts
Web hang this fabulous creation on the wall (you can connect the hoops with wire like i did or you can just scatter them on the wall if you so desire)!
Web in the latest poll, most of you (more than 40%) favoured wall art, so i attempted this one as an opening endorsement to your response.
Starburst mirror wall art decor with wooden skewers and gems {madebyfate} #168.And this could also be. Web this diy craft project will be the 'wow' factor, in any space.